Microsoft Excel 365 Online Keyboard Shortcuts Mac


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Office 365 excel shortcut keys
  • Keyboard shortcut descriptions refer to the U.S. keyboard layout. Keys on other keyboard layouts might not correspond to the keys on a U.S. keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts for laptop computers might also differ.
  • The settings in some versions of the Macintosh operating system and some utility applications might conflict with keyboard shortcuts and function key operations in Office. For information about changing the key assignment of a keyboard shortcut, see Mac Help for your version of the Macintosh operating system or see your utility application.

Keyboard shortcuts for Office for Windows:

Keyboard shortcuts for Office for Mac:

The settings in some versions of the Mac operating system and some utility applications might conflict with keyboard shortcuts and function key operations in Office for Mac. For information about changing the key assignment of a keyboard shortcut, refer to the Mac Help for your version of the Mac operating system or refer to your utility. Aug 23, 2018  Hi Insiders! We added a new feature for Insider Fast update of Excel for Mac that many people have been asking for. The Customize Keyboard feature is now available. You can now assign your own key combinations to many commands within Excel.

Keyboard Shortcuts For Outlook 365

Keywords:microsoft office o365 outlook 2016 2019 help tasks overview calendar email contacts people keyboard shortcuts tables calendars navigation search flags categories commands people format printing views archive pro plus proplus subscriptionSuggest keywordsDoc ID:31172
Owner:Ara M.Group:Office 365
Created:2013-06-25 12:10 CDTUpdated:2019-08-12 11:35 CDT
Sites:DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Tech Store, Office 365, Parkland College, UW Platteville
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When it comes to productivity, keyboard shortcuts can save a lot of time. Here is a handy list of 96 ways to do things quicker in Microsoft’s Office environment.

Dec 17, 2019  Keyboard Shortcuts.; 12 minutes to read +1; In this article. This article provides an overview of some of the shortcut key combinations that you can use when you are working with Business Central. For an overview of the most popular keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard Shortcuts. Aug 11, 2017 Keyboard shortcut to insert a row in Excel. Learn how to keep in touch and stay productive with Microsoft Teams and Office 365, even when you’re working remotely. 50 time-saving Excel shortcuts for Mac. Save time and conquer the spreadsheet with these 50 Excel keyboard shortcuts. Get the most out of Excel with these pro tips.

Accuracy is speed. That seems overly serious when talking about something you might consider boring like shortcuts to use in the Office 365 versions Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. Still, we’re going to give you a handy list of 96 ways to do things quicker in Microsoft’s Office environment. No matter how seasoned you are, we bet that there’s at least one shortcut you didn’t know. If you really want to master shortcuts, check out our complete list of Windows 10 shortcuts.

Before we begin, note that any keyboard shortcuts are based on the US keyboard. They may not work the same in your keyboard layout. You can try shortcuts from one Office 365 app in another one, and it may work there too. There are hundreds of shortcuts, and we can’t list them all here.

Let’s get going.

You probably knew about these shortcuts…

Pressing thisDoes This
EscCancels an action
Ctrl+ZUndo last action
Ctrl+YRe-do last action
Ctrl+XCut selected item
Ctrl+WClose document
Ctrl+VPaste into document
Ctrl+UUnderline selected text
Ctrl+SSave document

But did you know about these Word shortcuts?

Pressing ThisDoes This
Ctrl+RRight align selected text
Ctrl+OOpen new document
Ctrl+LLeft align selected text
Ctrl+IItalicize selected text
Ctrl+ECenter selected text
Ctrl+CCopy selected item
Ctrl+BBold selected text
Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+]Increase font size 1 point
Ctrl+[Decrease font size 1 point
Alt+W then QOpens the Zoom tool
Alt+QGo to “Tell me what you want to do”

Not many know about these shortcuts…

Pressing ThisDoes This
Ctrl+BBold selected item
Ctrl+CCopy selected item
Ctrl+OOpen a workbook
Ctrl+SSave a workbook
Ctrl+VPaste selected item
Ctrl+WClose a workbook
Ctrl+XCut selected item
Ctrl+ZUndo last action
Delete keyRemove cell contents

Even fewer know these Excel shortcuts…

Pressing ThisDoes This
Alt+AGo to Data tab
Alt+HGo to the Home tab
Alt+H then A then CCenter align cell contents
Alt+H then BAdd borders
Alt+H then D then CDelete column
Alt+H then HChoose a fill color
Alt+MGo to Formula tab
Alt+NGo to Insert tab
Alt+PGo to Page Layout tab
Alt+WGo to View tab
Ctrl+0Hide the selected columns
Ctrl+9Hide the selected rows

You might know these ones or someone who does…

Pressing ThisDoes This
Escape or EnterClose item
DeleteDelete selected message, task, or meeting
Ctrl+CCopy selected item
Alt+SSend message

Even your IT person probably doesn’t know these shortcuts:

Pressing ThisDoes This
Ctrl+Shift+MNew message
Ctrl+Shift+KNew task
Ctrl+Shift+ACreate appointment
Ctrl+E Alt+H then R then PSearch
Ctrl+2Go to calendar
Alt+S then SSend and Receive
Alt+N then A then FInsert file
Alt+JA then A then SAttachment Save As
Alt+H then R then PReply
Alt+H then R then AReply All
Alt+H then M then V then select folder from listMove to folder
Alt+H then F then WForward
Alt+HGo to Home tab

Your cousin’s neighbor knows these ones…

Pressing ThisDoes This
Ctrl+BMake selected text bold
Ctrl+CCopy selected text, object, or slide
Ctrl+NCreate new presentation
Ctrl+QClose PowerPoint
Ctrl+SSave the presentation
Ctrl+VPaste cut or copied text, object, or slide
Ctrl+XCut selected text, object, or slide
Ctrl+ZUndo the last action
EscEnd the slide show

Ten bonus points for each of these PowerPoint shortcuts that you know AND use:

Word for Office 365 Word for Office 365 for Mac Word for the web Word 2019 Word 2019 for Mac Word 2016 Word 2013 Word 2010 Word 2007 Word 2016 for Mac More. Less To use different page numbers or formats in different sections, create Page breaks and set page number for each. Mac microsoft word different page number.

Pressing ThisDoes This
Alt+G then HSelect a theme
Alt+HGo to the Home tab
Alt+H then F then SChange the font size for selected text
Alt+H then LSelect a slide layout
Alt+H then S then HInsert a shape
Alt+NGo to the Insert tab
Alt+N then PInsert a picture
Alt+W then QOpen Zoom dialog
F5Start the slide show
Page DownGo to the next slide
Page UpGo to the previous slide

There’s a rumor that a man in Florida knows these Access shortcuts.

Pressing ThisDoes This
Ctrl+FOpen the Find box in the Datasheet view or Form view
Ctrl+HOpen the Find and Replace box in the Datasheet view or Form view
Ctrl+O or Ctrl+F12Open an existing database
Ctrl+POpen the Print dialog
F1Open the Help window
Tab or Shift+TabMove to the next or previous field in Datasheet view

Does Bill Gates even know these ones?

Pressing ThisDoes This
Alt or F10 to move to a different tab Select the active tab of the ribbon and activate KeyTips
Alt+F4 Exit Access
Alt+F5 then type the record number and Enter Go to a specific record in a Datasheet view
Alt+H Open the Home tab
Ctrl+Plus Sign (+) Add a new record in Datasheet view or Form view
F11 Show or hide the Navigation Pane
F2 Switch between Edit mode and Navigation mode in Datasheet or Design view
F4 Show or hide a property sheet
F5 Switch to Form view from Design view
F6 Move the focus to a different part of the window
S Open the Page Setup dialog box for forms and reports
Shift+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
Z Zoom in or out on a part of the page

Microsoft Excel 365 Online Keyboard Shortcuts Mac Pdf

There Are Even More Office 365 Shortcuts

Believe it or not, Microsoft considers all of these to be the most frequently used Office 365 shortcuts. Take your time and master a few. You’ll be surprised how much time and frustration it will save you. Plus you’ll look like a superstar in the office.

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